Philippine Wax Flower | Wild Lily | Red Ginger | Etlingera elatior| Plants | Garden

2021-06-14 42

Wax Ginger
Good day Internet,
Today in my morning run, I pass to a small creek. The plant caught my attention. Because the beautiful red pink. Flowers. It’s a Philippine Wax Flower. Specie name is Etlingera elatior. also known as Torch Ginger, Ginger Flower, Red Ginger Lily, Wild Ginger, Combrang, Bunga Siantan, Rose de Porcelaine, and Porcelain Rose.

In other Asian countries. They used in different food preparation and ingredients.
In the Philippines, These showy pink flowers are used in decorative arrangements.

The flower have waxy, red to pink, white-edged bracts and are pinecone-shaped with a skirt of larger bracts. And the flower torch can reach up to 5 feet.
Foliage is dark lush green in color. The plants Enjoys warmer climate and flowers well throughout the year. The Plant can reach up to 12 ft and prepare in more shaded areas.
Due in part to their large showy flowers, they have gained rapid popularity as garden elements.
perennial herbs with over 50 genera and 1500 species spread throughout tropical and subtropical regions.

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